Improving the Design bit by bit

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The goal, is to make incremental changes to improve the design of this blog. Changes will be listed below as executed and what were the improvements.

Lets get going.

Tools: The tools of trade user for this exercise will be listed below:

Design Methodology:

  1. GTMetrix.
  2. Google PageSpeed Analytics
  3. HotJar


XX-Mar-2017: Configured HotJar feedback and tracking code to ensure i listen and get feedback from visitors.

22-Mar-2017:  Removed the Facebook Widget and added Static links, Load time reduced to 12.2s from 13.3 s

A long break….

18-June-2018:  Removed the DiggDigg social sharing plugin. First, it is interruption in the users primary aim of reading content. Leads to visual noise and clutter. Increases load time.

I think i will need sharing, but i will focus on making the site usable, readable and most importantly on quality content for now.

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Social Sharing Buttons


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