Category: Life
The Japanese Formula For Happiness – Ikigai
So today i came across this You Tube video by Improvement Pill. It effectively talks about the 4 quadrants essential for happiness and how to approach this. Something you are good at Something that you love Something that the world needs Something that pays you well The intersection of these all quadrants gives you Happiness.…
Fake it till you BECOME It- Because Your body language shapes who you are- Amy Cuddy
Fake It Till you BECOME It Because Your Body Language Shapes Who YOU Are. An Awesome Practical use therapy by Amy Cuddy faculty at Harvard. All you need to do before you go for an Interview, a Presentation, a Speech is few postures which are Power Postures. Keep doing it till you BECOME it not…
If you give a little love, you get love
Just came through this video on my Facebook wall, i loved it and hence sharing.
How about Life and Ability
Youth, Dude… Babe Baby. This is not my job. Umm I can’t do this we listen it very often. We do have the Ability but not the Desire or the Drive to get things Done… I just met few people who were courting the wrong job, but doing the best than anyone else…