So Tesla, has been banned at-least temporarily to not display
Dieter Rams
It does not make a product more innovative, powerful or valuable than it really is. It does not attempt to manipulate the consumer with promises that cannot be kept.
Dieter Rams
Tesla with its lies and deceptive marketing has taken many lives. There are already few cases going on against Tesla for misleading advertising leading to death.
It said such claims amounted to misleading business practices, adding that the average buyer might be given the impression that the car could drive without human intervention and might suggest such a system was now legal on German roads.
I was almost convinced that logout link is not in this call out. But, i was committed to logout, i tried to find other places on the header…. Still nothing.
So i clicked it on the profile picture again, and scanned each text carefully. There it was. Intentionally demoted visually.
Quora Logout Dark Pattern Profile Callout (smaller version for mobile)
So from an Information Perspective, Quora does know that it’s important for users to find log-out link.
But it doesn’t want the user to find it easily. So they cheat the hierarchy.
I also quickly checked few of the popular software’s and sites for similar task. And they have it very clear.
I even thought that this was not a dark pattern, but it was indeed done with good intent. Intent with an assumption that user would not want to logout… But then, the answer would be simple, if user does not intend to logout, he’d not initiate that action.
When Business Triumphs user needs
This is what happens when Business need is forced over the user. Some product manager is given a metric to chase, say. – How many authenticated users per month ?
Quora is not alone
I’m not frequent on Quora. But I am frequent on LinkedIn and LinkedIn has a ton of dark patterns. Probably for some other blog post (it will need a series)
Fact: I did not actually logout there, but the Designer within me prompted me to write this post. Oh we designers.
What if I was asked to design this ?
Its easy to criticize sitting switching tabs in browser. Enough designers do that already. What would i have done if i was the designer and PM/Business head came to me asking to get X metric.
I think i would start with a “5 Whys” , maybe a few more whys to determine root cause / intent of the PM/Business head and then suggest an alternative which wont be a dark pattern.